Wednesday, January 8, 2014

50/50? (Originally posted on Facebook Jan 12, 2012)

Some people believe that to make a relationship work it should be 50/50. That would be great if people were always at their best and able to put in their half. However, since we all have bad days, what happens when we can't? Then the relationship is no longer 100%. It is a poor relationship where each of the partners is only willing to give what the other does and is actually quite childish. "I don't say nice things to them because they don't say nice things to me." "I don't write them letters because they don't write to me." "Why should I try to do something nice for them when they don't do nice things for me?" Instead some of the best relationships I can think of are where both parties are putting in 100%. The great thing about this is a person can have a bad day where they only are able to put in a 50% effort and the relationship will still be at least 100%. When you're not at your 100%, it's a good time to really find out who your real friends are. And when your friends are not at 100%, it's a good time to find out just what kind of friend you are.

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