Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Angels Among Us (Originally posted Jul 14, 2013)

God has legions of angels at his command which He could dispatch at any moment He chose. However, most of the time the angels He turns to are those that walk among us. We all have the opportunity to be an angel to someone else. The question is, are you ready and willing to heed the call. I believe there are several times throughout our lives where God calls upon us to be an angel for someone but we miss that call because we are too distracted by other things we believe are important. I believe those little moments where we have the thought to stop and help someone struggling to get groceries in their car, to stop and make sure a broken down car is okay, the times where we feel like we should just say hi to a passerby are all times where God is giving us the opportunity to be an angel for someone else. If we are so lost in ourselves that we miss the call, God will find another angel to carry out His wishes. Unfortunately, when that happens, we miss out on the blessings that await us. I believe if more of us would recognize these moments and act upon the promptings we feel on a daily basis, we would begin to see more miracles happen in our own lives as well as in the world around us.

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