Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Choices (Originally posted on Facebook Jan 28, 2012)

Just was watching a show and there was a line that stood out to me. A character is being forced to leave his home and he runs into a friend who is asking him why he is leaving. He replies that he doesn't have a choice. She looks at him and says, "We always have a choice in life. Sometimes it's just easier to think we don't." How often is it that we take this mindset and let the situation control our fate instead of controlling it ourselves? We will always have choices as long as we are alive. We may not always like them. They are there. We are the ones that can take the responsibility to make our choices and live with the consequences or we can turn our fate over to others. Yes, we always have choices while alive. I would hope we don't take the easy way out and think we don't just because it's easier.

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