Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Instant Gratification (Originally posted on Facebook Jan 9, 2012)

I've realized for quite some time now that we are growing more and more into a society of instant gratification. We can see this in every day life. We have phones that text instantly and go with us everywhere, we have medications that help relieve symptoms quickly, we have movies streaming into our homes when we want them and computers that do computations in the blink of an eye. What I've starting thinking about is all the wonderful and wondrous things we miss by looking for the "quick fixes" in life. Some of the greatest and most beautiful things in life actually can only be experienced over a longer period of time. For instance a sunset or sunrise, a flower blooming, a newborn child entering the world, a romantic kiss, or even a simple deep breath. I believe people could begin to find a little more peace and joy in life if they would just have a little patience and recognize that some of the finer things in life come only with time.

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