Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Laughter (Originally posted on Facebook Dec 21, 2011)

It is amazing to me that about the time I start getting tired and want to leave work early, want to take a break from reality or just am tired of all the garbage one of my co-workers, friends, or family members (or a couple of them) seem to do something, either intentional or unintentional, to make me smile or laugh. There is a special experience that happens between people when they share a laugh together. It's a memory and a bond that I don't believe can be created in any other way. I believe people would have less stress in their lives if at least once a day they laughed until their sides hurt, until milk comes out their noses, they can see through the tears, or they have to run to the restroom to avoid wetting themselves. Life doesn't have to be taken seriously all the time. Afterall, we all know that even God has a sense of humor.

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