Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Lessons from Rudolph (Originally posted on Facebook Dec 27, 2011)

I was watching the old Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer movie when I began to think about some of the old stories like this. It seems to me that in these movies the main characters are insecure about themselves which opens them up to being affected by other's ridicules and jabs. Usually through some kind of trial they begin to realize that they are special and have unique talents they can share with others. Upon this realization they become secure in who they are and find that people are drawn to them. I believe we like these stories because it speaks to our own desires to become like those heroes. If we could only learn to be secure in ourselves and realize our own special talents instead of comparing ourselves to others, we too could find people drawn to us in ways I don't think we can even begin to fathom.

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