Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Light of Dawn (Originally posted on Facebook Mar 16, 2013)

They say it is darkest before the dawn. Usually this is said to someone that is at a dark or hard time in their lives in an effort to give them hope that brighter times are ahead. I think what we forget sometimes is the dawn doesn't appear in full brightness all at once. It comes slowly and ever so gently with almost imperceptible changes until finally the day has broken and we are surrounded by the bright light of the sun. This is often how life is. When we are in the dark times of life we often want the light to come right away and chase all darkness away immediately. When it doesn't happen we wonder what is wrong with the world. Just as the sun slowly inches above the horizon bringing light to a once dark world, the dark times of life often slowly improve until at last we are able to bask in the light of goodness that comes from above. If we are calm enough and have wisdom, we will be able to recognize those special moments as we transition from a dark time to the good times, those little precious moments where God will whisper to our souls, "Peace, be still" just as the small rays of light peeking above the horizon and through the trees let us know the darkness of night is giving way to another bright day.

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