Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Looking up (Originally posted on Facebook Aug 19, 2012)

Walking down a manicured pathway toward a long historical bridge, I began to realize I was walking with my eyes focused on the ground just a few feet in front of me searching for obstacles that might get in my way and trip me up. When I realized I was doing this I had to ask myself why. I was on a groomed trail that was taken care of. By walking with my eyes down, I was missing so much of the world around me, wonderful and wondrous scenes just waiting for me to look up. I began to wonder how often I do this in my life. In our journey through this existence, how often do we focus on the little things that really are trivial while missing the wonderful and wondrous world around us? All too often I'm sure. Sometimes it helps to take a moment and realize where your focus is. Are we so concerned about the little trivial things in life that may cause us to stumble a bit that we are missing the bigger picture and the beauty that can be found all around us each and every day?

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