Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Looking heavenward (Originally posted on Facebook Jan 2, 2014)

I believe sometimes God puts mountains in our way to cause us to stop, look up, and remember from whence all blessings come. They make us realize just how insignificant we are in the world and yet God tells us we are His work and glory. Alltoo often we spend our days looking down at phones, computer screens, tablets, and TVs in our rush to get to some imaginary goal that most can't even explain. I hope and pray that in this new year I can do better at slowing down, looking up, and searching for true guidance as I make my way toward my own kingdom on high.

Photo: I believe sometimes God puts mountains in our way to cause us to stop, look up, and remember from whence all blessings come. They make us realize just how insignificant we are in the world and yet God tells us we are His work and glory. All too often we spend our days looking down at phones, computer screens, tablets, and TVs in our rush to get to some imaginary goal that most can't even explain. I hope and pray that in this new year I can do better at slowing down, looking up, and searching for true guidance as I make my way toward my own kingdom on high.

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