Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Media Love (Originally posted on Facebook Dec 4, 2011)

With the vast amounts of "entertainment" we have at our fingertips and being streamed into our homes it has become so easy to fall into the trap of believing that love happens like it does in the movies. When things don't happen like they do in the movies, it's very easy for people to think that what they really had was love was not love after all. In all relationships there will be ups and downs, good times and hard times. The great thing about real love is that through all these times it is there. Sometimes that love is like a beautiful sunset that is easily admired by many while other times it is like a diamond buried deep in the earth that requires some hard work and effort in order to see the beauty found inside. No matter what, the beauty is there. The question is are we willing to put forth the effort to see it when it's not right there in front of us?

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