Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Miracles of God

Some may say that we live in an age of such incredible technology and boast in the creations of mankind. If you take, and we must make the time to do this, those moments of quiet times to just look around us, you'd begin to see that man is nothing compared with the awesome power of God. Miracles are happening all around us every day. Whether it be in the flower that bursts through the ground reaching skyward to open it's bloom to the shining sun, the various songs that fill the spring air in a harmonious chorus of glad tidings of new life and love, or the fact that each and every day I breathe in air to my lungs which is transferred throughout my body giving it energy and sustaining my life, the miracles of the creations of God are there for us to behold if we will but take the time to recognize them.

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