Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Nice guy's problem? (Originally posted on Facebook Oct 14, 2013)

I began thinking today (I'm aware this is a scary thing) and wondering about women in the dating scene today (even more scary). I thought about all the different romantic comedy movies and stories and wondered how many of the women believe the storyline of these movies and shows to be true in real life. In these stories, you usually find a guy that is a total dog/jerk/idiot/etc and the girl initially hates him. Through a series of events the woman begins to find that behind the exterior is a really sweet and caring man and they fall in love (after some spats here and there) and end up living happily ever after (or at least until the credits roll). I was thinking about some of the single women I have met over the years and noticed a similar pattern in the men they chose to date. It makes me wonder if they believe they too will be able to find their "project," find the sweet center of this guy using their feminine charm (and skills), and live happily ever after with their reinvented nice man. This would explain why the guys who start out genuinely nice don't have much luck in the dating arena. After all, there's no challenge to find that sweet inner core when it's portrayed in their every day life and actions. Just random things that make me say, "Hmm..."

1 comment:

  1. I do'nt look at a guy as a project..... and If I have to "Make" him a "Project"....well..... it just ai'nt worth it. Heartfelt communication and sincerity... if he wants to do something, he will.... pushing is'nt worth it.
