Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Slow and Easy (Originally posted on Facebook Jul 8, 2012)

Went to a firework display in North Carolina yesterday and got there a little early (meaning it was still light). As I sat waiting I had the chance to watch the sun slowly dip behind the horizon changing the sky from blue to orange, red and pink. After a little while the fireworks began and they were a good show. Then I began to think of the contrast behind man and God. Man creates a light show filled with brief moments of flashes which quickly fade away. To me this is symbolic of the instant gratification world we live in. God creates a light show that is slow in transitioning and lasts for what seems to be hours. That is how He works. It is by small and simple things that He is able to create incredible scenes of beauty. This is also how He most often works in our lives; not with flashy instant explosions but small blessings that can easily go unnoticed until the final product is revealed.

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