Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Steps of Faith (Originally posted on Facebook Jul 1, 2013)

We are often told sometimes in life you have to take that step of faith into the dark and unknown before the way becomes clear. I think sometimes when we take that step into the dark we sometimes stumble and struggle as our foot hits something solid and immovable. We struggle to catch our balance and figure out why the step isn't working. We may question whether or not it is the right step to take even though in our hearts and souls we know it is right. I believe the answer comes in the understanding that there are times in our lives when we are not only asked to step into the dark, but we are also asked to take a step up. I don't believe our journey in life is always on flat even ground for if it were so, we would not rise to the pinnacle of our potential. One does not reach the peak of a mountain by only walking along a flat pathway. So sometimes in life not only do you have to take that step of faith into the dark, you also have to step up while you do it.

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