Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The colors within (Originally posted on Facebook Dec 14, 2011)

As I stood outside tonight waiting for the dog to do his business, I was looking at all the various colors of Christmas lights. With light, when you add all the colors together you get white. White is considered to be pure and unadulterated. If you were to take just one of the colors away, that pure white disappears. I began to realize that is much like ourselves. If you take the blue of my sadness, the red of my anger, the green of my envy, the yellow of my happiness, the pink of my embarrassments, the purple of my honor and trust, and the orange of my warm heart and put them together, you get the pure me. If you take them all away, I am black and empty. Take just one part of that away and I am no longer complete. If you can learn to accept all of me, you will see a beautiful being that is pure and bright.

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