Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The mouth of Babes (Originally posted on Facebook Jan 25, 2012)

It is often said, "Out of the mouth of babes . . ." I was talking with some co-workers about the subject of death and one of them told a story of a young girl that asked the question why people cry at funerals. No matter how someone tried to explain it, the little girl just didn't understand. "People shouldn't be sad. They are back living with Jesus. Someday I will be living with Him too and I will be happy." Such incredible insight from a young girl. It causes me once again to ponder. If we all lived in heaven before coming here, what was the parting like in heaven when we came to earth? Was there crying and sorrow? I think not. I think there was happiness and cheers. Why is the parting in this life any different?

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