Sunday, May 11, 2014

To my mother

Imagine if I were to ask you to build me something new.  This thing would change the world.  It might be in a big way, it might be in a small way.  However, I can guarantee you that it will alter the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people.  It's something that will take years to develop and there will be a lot of trials and struggles as you work on this project.  There will be times when you get frustrated and want to give up and trash the whole project.  There will also be moments when you will have triumphs and celebrations.  The drawback is that I won't be able to pay you for this project because I don't have the money available.  I also can't guarantee you that the project will turn out the way you want it to or that it will be successful.  Would you be interested in taking on such a project?  Millions around the world accept this challenge daily.  Most of the time this is done without fanfare or acknowledgement.  We call them mothers.  On this day I want to say thank you to all those who take on this responsibility to change the world.  I want to thank those mothers who took me in as their own as I've traveled around the nation.  And most of all I'd like to thank my own mother.  Thank you for all the moments we have shared; times of laughter, times of tears.  Times of great sorrow and times of great love.  With your guidance and love I have been fortunate to become the man I am today and continue to strive to be better with each passing day.  With all that you've done for me it is no wonder to me that mother is synonymous with LOVE.

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