Thursday, April 30, 2015

The road to nowhere

I turn the key and hit the button to hear the engine fire to life beneath me.  It sounds eager to go and I don't want to disappoint.  Heading out into the traffic of the city I wind my way from one intersection to the next watching those around me.  After a half hour in the city, I stop to top off the tank.  With a full tank and a warmed up engine, I turn onto Hwy 6 and head west.  I pass a few little towns where it seems time stands still.  Small families are out and about enjoying the sunny day.  I can't help but smile as I pass them, remnants of days gone by when life was more simple.

I scoot out past the little towns and enter into the wild west.  The wind rushes past me, the miles blur, becoming less and less important as I blend myself into this moment.  With each rotation of the tires the busy life is left behind and ahead is open space, nature, marked only by a single stretch of road that seems to go on forever.  I don't care.  I'm not in any rush to get anywhere.  I'm just content riding along on this road to a destination I'm not aware of yet.  For sometimes it's not the destination that is important but the journey.  And this is a journey I need right now.  If even for a brief moment life is simple and pure once again.

Yes, I'm on a road to nowhere.  And it's just where I want to be.

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