Sunday, February 5, 2017

Surrender for strength

The first 3 steps in the 12 step program of Alcoholic Anonymous are all about recognizing the fact we are powerless over something and learning to give over our own will to something greater than ourselves.  It seems that many people believe that this powerlessness and giving up of will indicates a sign of weakness.  They seem to believe if they give up their will that means they are to do nothing until this greater something gives them specific instructions to begin to act.  This is a gross misrepresentation what it means to surrender our will to something greater than ourselves.

In the scriptures we are told to be as a little child.  If you are able to watch a child in action you'll recognize it is very rare a child will just sit back and do nothing until their parents tell them what to do or give them directions.  Many a parent would be glad for this scenario to be true.  The truth of the matter is children are almost always on the move going different places and seeking out new things.  It is the parents job to make sure their energy and actions are done within the boundaries and safety which will allow them to grow and learn.  The child doesn't wait for the parent to tell them what to do.  Rather they move while being open to suggestions, guidance and inspiration from their parents to help them see pathways they might not recognize on their own.  So it is with us and surrendering to God.

The best chance we have to excel in this world comes not when we sit back and wait for instructions from God before we begin to move.  Afterall, Nephi said I will go and do, not I will sit and stew.  Each day we can arise with a purpose and idea of what we hope to accomplish for that day.  Then, if we are wise, we pause before entering that day and ask God for inspiration and guidance to see the paths we may not notice on our own in order to move further and learn more than we could by doing what we want only.

I would hope each and every day we would be wise enough to know we don't have all the answers nor should we.  We have the chance to connect with an all knowing, all seeing and all loving God who wants only the best for us.  It would be wise as we move forward in life to be aware of the subtle gestures and promptings given to us throughout the day as we navigate the world we live in.  As the old saying goes, "Father knows best."

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. Coming from the best counselor South Boston, VA ever had too. I never knew you were a Christian. Glad to see you still have this blog, because you never know who your words will touch and encourage.
