I ride a motorcycle. It's one of the ways that I find peace in this hectic world. In my attempts to be the best rider I can be I have done a lot of research about techniques and ways to make sure I'm riding the the most safe way possible. I've watched videos of crashes, analysis of different techniques, and gathered the wisdom of those who know much more than I do about riding. One of the most important things I think I've learned about riding is that your motorcycle will go where your head is pointed. This can be seen really well in any of the multiple videos out there showing some of these incredible motorcycle cops riding through their obstacle courses. (I really suggest you check at least one of them out. It continues to blow my mind what they can do.) If you pay attention to their heads they are constantly moving and are looking at where they want to go. The idea is that your motorcycle will go where your head is looking. I've also seen this when someone stares at a pothole in the middle of the road thinking to avoid it and they end up running straight into it. This happens in other aspects of life as well. Such as drifting in the car when we are looking out the side window.
This is also what happens within us as well. The focus we have on the inside of us is also where the rest of our life can kind of head. If we are focused on the negatives within ourselves then that will influence where the rest of our focus goes as we interact in the world. If we are able to see the more positive aspects of ourselves then we are more apt and able to see the positives in the world around is. It sounds like such a simple thing and yet in my line of work I spend much of my time helping people to change their focus internally in order to help alleviate some of the external suffering.
My two lovely little daughters are wonderful examples of what happens before this shift begins to happen. I can ask either one of them, "Are you beautiful?" to which the prompt reply is a simple, "Yes!" I can then follow up with, "Why are you beautiful?" to which the equally prompt reply is, "Because I want to be." How incredible simple!!! They are focused on how amazing they are and because of that they really have an incredible ability to notice small and simple beauties and miracles that are around us every day. Imagine if each of us could get to the point where inside we were able to honestly and truly say to ourselves, "I'm amazing because I want to be!" No more comparing to others, no more wondering if I'm good enough, no more focusing on what we perceive to be so wrong. Imagine if by seeing ourselves as being amazing it allowed us to turn our focus to what makes others amazing as well?
I do believe we have that capability if we choose to. Wherever our eyes go, my head will follow and wherever my head goes, the rest of me will follow. We can choose today to start focusing more on what makes us amazing and learn to love ourselves as we are and with this new focus, truly begin to see what is right with the world today. Maybe the, just maybe, some of the troubles of the world will begin to feel just a little less intrusive and unrelenting and we can once again, as Jesus Christ taught, love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
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