On this planet we call earth,
With the event that we call birth,
I wanted to reach out to you
And ask how have you been?
How has life been treating you?
What wonders have you seen?
I know that life has many ups
And also many downs.
I hope the smiles that cross your face
Have far outweighed the frowns.
I know it seems that in this life
We sometimes are alone
That we alone are left to face
Our troubles, and atone.
We often feel that no one knows
Nor can they understand
The troubles we are up against,
Feeling crushed by a heavy hand.
We want to talk and share these things
With those we know love us.
But then we don’t want to intrude,
We just won’t make a fuss.
So in our silence we press on
And face things day by day
By making sure our faces shine
And saying, “I’m okay!”
Now lest you think that I’m immune
From joining in this game,
I promise you the mask I’ve worn
Has hidden me just the same.
But I want to reach out to you
And hope you’re willing to
Hear the things I want to share,
Especially with you.
I decided a while ago
I wanted to try something new.
I wanted to reach those silent folks
Who, inside, are rather blue.
I wanted to write a little note
To hopefully reach inside
And let them know they aren’t alone
On this unpredictable ride.
So here I am reaching out to you
And letting you know, I’m here..
In all the chaos, trouble and pain
The heartache and the fear.
I can’t say I know the troubles you face,
The people and things who’re mean.
I don’t know the things you wish would end,
Images you wish hadn’t been seen.
What I do know is you’re not alone
Though the feeling is real as can be.
There are others of us in this world
Struggling, just trying to break free.
My heart goes out to you right now
As you wonder and contemplate
The next step that you need to take,
While still you hesitate.
You’re not alone, you never are
For connected are we all
In one big human family
Riding around on this blue ball.
I hope this knowledge helps you find
A little peace of mind,
Will help you take the time to stop
And loosen up the bind.
While all alone you sometimes feel
Being pulled, pushed and shoved.
I want you most of all to know
That you, indeed, are loved.
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